April Update!

April showers bring May flowers…not this year. Perhaps it will be May showers bring June flowers!

With the muddy weather on its way out, the playground continues to be really wet, please remember to pack extra pants, socks, and splash gear for your child.

During April, we have explored a variety of topics.

Reading: Our literacy block continues to be a busy time in the classroom. All of the children look forward to reading and writing stories. The children continue to enjoy reading books from our library collection and personal book bins. We even have some year one students who have started to read. Way to go everybody! Most recently, we have been acting out the stories of the Three Little Pigs and Three Billy Goats Gruff! The children are looking forward to performing these plays for you in the near future! Stay tuned for an invite in to the classroom!


 Math: We have been focusing on Time this month.  We have been using the terms “second, minute, hour, day, week, month, morning, afternoon, and evening” when talking about our days or upcoming events. Everyone drew pictures of themselves doing activities in the morning and evening. Our Family Math Night is coming up on Wednesday, May 7th from 5-6pm. Please drop by for dinner and play some games with your children. There are many prizes to be won!!


Science:  We continue to investigate items that sink and float. We also did some planting after reading Jack and the Beanstalk. Our plants are reaching for the castle in the clouds and will be ready for planting outdoors shortly.


We always look forward to seeing you at your convenience, so drop by when you can. Our door is always open.

Please continue to check your child’s blog. There may be some new pictures or samples of their work.